
3:54:00 PM

Welcome to my blog! Welcome to my lovely adventure...my lovely life.  This blog will be a place where I will post everything and anything that I wish to share.  From inspiration, to recipes, and my own journeys and lessons I've learned, I will share my life with you.

For two years I have been trying to blog.  Within this period I have created over 3 blogs, all of which were anonymous (and eventually deleted) because I was too concerned and self-conscious to really show myself. While my posts would represent my personality, I was not brave enough to announce my name and voice.  So here it goes...

Hello! My name is Tatum Welsh and I am a turquoise junkie, ring loving,moon obsessor.  I am currently a Freshman at Virginia Tech in Blacksburg, Virginia and am originally from the tiny town of Chadds Ford, Pennsylvania.  I am inspired by all things in nature, by people who are fearless, by my incredibly creative mother and father, and my amusingly hilarious brother and sister. Through this blog I hope to share more about myself, my past, and dreams for the future and I hope to learn more from the world around me through this experience. So please come with me on this amazing adventure called "life". 


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