B.V.I. log // Day 6

5:54:00 AM

one day after Christmas and it feels as if it was years ago.  time passes so slowly among these tiny islands and it is almost pleasurable not knowing what day it is. 

today was a lovely mixture of laziness and adventure.  we previously decided that we would spend a second night in Anegada so that we could explore the other side of the island, do some more snorkeling, and take a break from travel. 

we slept in, welcomed the morning with tea, coffee, and omelets, and prepared the dinghy for our venture to shore. 

we grabbed a taxi that took us the six or seven miles across the mainland to the two reknowned snorkeling spots: Flash of Beauty and Loblolly.  Flash of Beauty did indeed prove its title but Loblolly’s name is completely understated.  we spotted sea turtles, sting rays, lobster, and the largest barracudas yet.  not to mention that water’s color was almost too good to be true.

we grabbed drinks and ice cream from the beach shack then headed back to the boat about four hours later.  the rest of the day was spent napping, reading, cooking, and washing up.  our rest was briefly interrupted to head back on land to do (what was supposed to be) a quick load of laundry and take a hot shower.   it. felt. so. good.

we enjoyed grilled chicken, a small salad, and fettucine alfredo for dinner followed by smores. we then migrated to the bow of the boat to lay on the trampolines and stargaze, hopping up occasionally to dance to the music coming from the local bar.

our post-dinner traditions have become a highlight of the day.  a time when we can all reflect on the day’s adventure and talk about everything and anything under the stars that captivate us so.  everyday among these islands, on the turquoise water, with my family is a good day.

(originally written on December 26, 2014)

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