the significance of growing plants

8:32:00 AM

I strongly believe that what you practiced and enjoyed as a kid, translates and develops into the interests and habits you form as an adult. 

I was raised outdoors.  Every day of every season my brother, sister, and I would spend hours under the sun with nothing but each other and our imaginations. Occasionally, we would make a day-trip to Longwood Gardens - the gem of our small town.  Its children's garden held so much intrigue and fragrant beauty; the three of us were more than content to run through the fountains, smell the flowers, and chase one another to the secret garden.

Once we got old enough to help out around the house, my parents requested we help out with the landscaping. Every spring we would help spread the mulch that my father would dump with the tractor and we would learn which little sprouts were weeds and which were the beginning of new life.  And as the season drew on, my mother would make small flower arrangements for our rooms with the hydrangeas and greens that grew right outside our windows.

I was raised to have a fondness and an appreciation for plants, nature, and the big, wonderful outdoors. And I truly believe that all those days spent in the Magnolia tree in the backyard and the nights spent sleeping in the treehouse gave me my appreciation for plants and growing them.

Now, the closest I get to landscaping is regularly watering five planters that live on my windowsills, but it is simply enough for me. The six or seven minutes I spend every Monday morning doing so are very contenting. I use the same copper spritzer that I received for Christmas a few years ago and lift the leaves of each plant as I water them. It is a humbling routine.

The small act of watering plants is something I love. I could make up some grand reasoning behind it like knowing I am giving something life, but that wouldn't be true. I simply just like plants and I think watching them grow is fun.

I can see myself - one day when I'm making a bit more money - buying plants like a cat lady adopts cats. I can see my place covered in them, just because they make me happy.

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