The Hunter's Moon
5:37:00 PMone of my greatest obsessions is the moon. its beauty, luminescence, and fascinating surface always takes me breath away.
every time a special event within the night sky takes place, whether it be an eclipse, meteor shower, or just a new moon, i try to take some time to sit under the sky, snap a few photos, and marvel at its beauty.
this past week's special event was a full moon accompanied by a total lunar eclipse. october's full moon is titled the hunter's moon because october is the month of gathering. as we head into the colder, shorter days of fall we do indeed begin to collect, gather, and hunt for supplies as we prepare to face the longer days of winter. personally, i would like to gather candles, apple cider, thick blankets, and wool socks; however, i am a broke college student that will be gathering packets of hot chocolate and ramen for seventy-eight cents.
but is to crisp nights, gorgeous skies, and the beginning of autumn!

(all pictures taken by myself)